What's the Worst That Could Happen?: A Rational Response to the Climate Change Debate Review

What's the Worst That Could Happen: A Rational Response to the Climate Change Debate
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What's the Worst That Could Happen: A Rational Response to the Climate Change Debate ReviewI cannot recommend this book enough; it's based on a wildly popular and critically acclaimed set of videos originally aired on YouTube which garnered many millions of hits on various websites.How It All Ends (Single Disc Edition)
Greg Craven has the spark of genius in the way he cuts through all the confusing "it will, it won't, it will too!". On the one hand we have clever wordy scientists and on the other, crafty manipulative, articulate global warming deniers (Ok, I'm a little biased on this one!) and the poor ordinary bloke doesn't know who to believe in the shouting match. He/she just wants to know what's the best bet to protect their loved family and friends. They don't want to risk damaging the economy but they also don't want to risk ruining the planet that their kids will grow up in. How on earth can they decide what's best?
This book will show how you don't need to be an expert to make your own sensible decisions using the sort of ordinary risk assessment techniques that we all use when we cross the road or buy house or car insurance.
Craven basically looks at what each side in the debate is claiming and looks at what will happen if they are wrong and then shows what the consequences would be for us all. Instead of trying to work out definitively who is right, which is very difficult as shown by the many complicated books available that try to, Craven clearly shows that asking what happens if one or the other side is wrong gives a very simple, yet brilliant, way of deciding what the best bet is when deciding what to do, or not do, about it.
This "risk assessment" method might sound dry and dull but Greg is often very funny and he is a natural communicator (he's a science teacher with the gift of humour). It's rather like Carl Sagan meets Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy! You won't see the chemical explosions special effects or the funny hats featured in the videos but the book has other fun stuff too. Not to mention loads of "Dohhh!! why didn't I (or the government!) think of that?" moments.
Greg got to write this book based on the success of the "How It All Ends" videos which were in turn based on his original 10 minute YouTube video "The Most Terrifying Video You'll Ever See". A firestorm of critics descended on that one but Craven didn't give up - he used every helpful or savage critical comment to make his argument stronger. By using the power of the critical Internet crowds he is now pretty sure that EVERY counter-argument has been addressed and answered... This book goes beyond even his original "bulletproof" argument.
This just might be the very first time that "crowd sourcing" (A.K.A the wisdom of crowds) has been utilised to this extent to refine and polish an argument. The result has been called brilliant.
This is not just another global warming book. This is for everyone. It's funny and entertaining and, above all else, wise - you will say "YES!, why didn't I think of that - that is so obvious now!" as Greg cuts though the confusion and finds the light switch to clarify matters so clearly that anyone can understand them.
A valuable side effect of the risk assessment system that Craven sketches out is that the very same methods can be used in all sorts of other situations in life to make decisions where the outcome is uncertain, or if there is not quite enough info to give a 100% definite answer based on the known facts.
This book is deeper than the videos but seeing Greg in full flow is a joy that you will want to pass on to others, so I recommend you take a look at the videos too.How It All Ends (Single Disc Edition)
What's the Worst That Could Happen: A Rational Response to the Climate Change Debate Overview

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