A Kitten Tale Review

A Kitten Tale
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A Kitten Tale ReviewCaldecott Medal Winner (My Friend Rabbit), Eric Rohmann, has created another charming picture book that shows respect for a child's fear of the unknown, while also illustrating the power of a positive attitude.
There are four little kittens who have never seen snow. Three of them spend Spring, Summer and Fall worrying about how cold and wet snow will make everything. The fourth kitten just keeps saying, "I can't wait." The fourth kitten's attitude is so wonderful...
Read the rest of this and other reviews on my site.A Kitten Tale OverviewOnce there were four kittens who had never seen snow. The first three kittens are wary—snow is cold, it's wet, it covers everything. As the seasons pass and winter begins to loom, the three skittish kittens worry. But the fourth kitten is getting excited. Snow will cover everything! "I can't wait!"

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