Weather Report Review

Weather Report
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Weather Report ReviewWeather Report is laid out in several sections, with varying themes. However the whimsy, curiosity, and the captivating enthusiasm Rob Carney offers of life and love are prominent throughout. When reading his work, it is as if you are taking a walk with yourself as a child, observing the world as you've never done before. Those things that are most important in life are laid out, nestled in simile and metaphor. Something as seemingly simple as a sunny, windless day draws out a commentary on humans and our need for change. Talk of the moon brings about tender curiosity in a discussion between father and son. It is here, in these deceptively simple topics that Rob Carney gives his Weather Report.
Perhaps the most attractive aspect to the book is its accessibility to everyone. You don't need to be an English major to understand it, and the topics are close to home. Rob's language is peppered with vivid imagery, but using words we speak every day. It isn't pretentious, it isn't overly complex, but the depths found within his words are bottomless. You can float along, reading his poems to yourself, letting the images wash over you. You can swim in the sensuality he writes as you share it with a lover. Or, dive into the special section written for his son, bringing delight to readers of all ages. Rob Carney's ability to reach every audience member with his inquisitive and passionate style is what makes him so impressive.
It is the wondering that drove us to discovery as children. That all-encompassing need to understand pushed us to question. In our day to day lives we are taught to stop questioning, stop observing, and just keep moving. The path Rob Carney puts his readers on reminds them of the world around them, begging to be acknowledged. Do yourself a favor and take that walk.Weather Report Overview

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