Inside Tornadoes (Inside Series) Review

Inside Tornadoes (Inside Series)
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Inside Tornadoes (Inside Series) ReviewAs a librarian, I'm always on the lookout for good quality children's nonfiction that isn't dumbed down or overly text dense. This books strikes just the right balance between good quality information [well-written; not too much, nor too little], photos, activities, charts, and even helpful hints for sheltering during a tornado. Basically, it can keep a young reader's attention all the way through. It has some cool fold out pages which work nicely. I especially liked the fold out chart of tornado intensity: pretty cool. I also liked the tornado activity project that you can make with two 2-liter bottles. I would recommend this for readers in 3rd grade through middle school.Inside Tornadoes (Inside Series) OverviewTornadoes are the most violent storms on the planet-as these dramatic photographs and gatefolds vividly reveal. Young readers will get the inside scoop on tornadoes in this electrifying volume, filled with powerful before-and-after images of storm sites. They'll discover what makes a tornado, where they strike, and what scientists discover as they risk their lives driving equipment as close as possible to these storms. With first-person accounts of historic storms, fascinating facts on climate change and its potential effect on tornadoes, and hands-on activities, this book will fascinate curious readers.

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