Principles of Meteorological Analysis (Dover Phoenix Editions) Review

Principles of Meteorological Analysis (Dover Phoenix Editions)
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Principles of Meteorological Analysis (Dover Phoenix Editions) ReviewThis book is a true classic publication. Its enduring value is not so much as a textbook, although I have seen it used as such. Rather, it is should be considered a primary reference work. There is no better discussion of the theory and practice of meteorological scalar analysis anywhere in the literature. Its treatment of kinematic analysis is perhaps its most unique aspect and it certainly is one of Saucier's specialties. It also has an excellent treatment of cross section analysis, as well as many other topics. About the only negative part of the book is that it was published first in 1955, so its content *is* becoming a bit dated. Nevertheless, this is one that should be in the collection of every serious meteorology student. It is challenging to read, but the value associated with its content makes the effort worthwhile.Principles of Meteorological Analysis (Dover Phoenix Editions) OverviewHighly respected classic, geared toward intermediate-level meteorology students, discusses a variety of types of analysis, considers aspects of broad-scale analysis and local analysis, and provides a brief survey of analysis in the tropics. Hundreds of detailed graphs and charts. Appendix. Index. 511 illustrations.

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