Snow Day Review

Snow Day
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Snow Day ReviewNothing thrills the heart of a child more than the prospect of a day home from school. So when the weatherman predicts an overnight snowfall, his words jump-start the imagination. What will we do tomorrow when we're snowed in? The mind reels at the possibilities! But as with many dreams devoutly to be wished, stark reality shows up with vastly different plans. This picture book confirms the fact that no matter how old you are, the term "snow day" just might be the most exciting and magical phrase in the English language.
Lester Laminack's story is "spot on." Adam Gustavson's colorful and realistic illustrations provide snapshots that lead readers into believing they know how the book will turn out. Gotcha! A great read-along for parents and children, and it's difficult to judge who might enjoy the story more.Snow Day OverviewWhen the television weatherman predicts a big snowfall, the narrator gleefully imagines the fun-filled possibilities of an unscheduled holiday from school.Piling under warm blankets. Sipping hot chocolate in snowman mugs. Building a snow fort. Sledding in the neighbor s field. In scene after snowy scene, from sunrise to sundown, a pair of siblings, with their father in tow, show how they would make the most of their day off.But when the family wakes up the next morning, they are in for a disappointment. No snow! As the family members pile into the car so they won t be late for school, an unexpected twist reveals who wanted the snow day most of all.Adam Gustavson s expressive illustrations comically capture the excitement of pure possibility in author Lester Laminack s thoroughly original tale.

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