Ready, Set . . . WAIT: What Animals Do Before a Hurricane Review

Ready, Set . . . WAIT: What Animals Do Before a Hurricane
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Ready, Set . . . WAIT: What Animals Do Before a Hurricane ReviewAuthor Patti R. Zelch and artist Connie McLennan have brought us another wonderful learning tool through Sylvan Dell Publishing. As with all the books offered by this company, this one is something rather special.
This work begins with a family preparing for a hurricane which will arrive shortly. As the family makes all the necessary preparations and precautions, the little boy of the family looks into a tree and wonders, "what do wild animals do before and during a hurricane?" And so our story really starts.
The book now take a look at twelve different animals; fish, lobsters, crocodiles, dolphins, manatees, butterflies, sharks, birds and rabbits, and briefly tells us just what preparations these creatures who surround us take when a big storm is about to hit. Over and over again the author stresses that the animals "know," and indeed, those of you that are familiar with the wildlife in your local area will understand perfectly what the author is talking about. The animals most certainly do know when a storm is about to hit or when the weather is in for a drastic change.
The story text in this work is straight forward and is geared toward the 4 through 9 year old age group. There is plenty in the story that will keep a child's interest and as a matter of fact should bring on a plethora of questions as you read! (Better do your homework). The words the author has chosen are easily read by this age group but the author has thrown vocabulary building words in here and there such as "instinctively," "antennae," and more. Each word could be used to develop a story within a story if the reader or teacher chooses to do so. This is something I like.
The illustrator, Connie McLennan has given us some amazing paintings of creatures in their natural habitat. I took a close look at the various animals represented here and could find absolutely nothing anatomically incorrect. The artist has use bold lines and colors yet has kept the integrity of the creature she has drawn along with a beautiful background in each and every frame. The text goes perfectly with the illustrations, all of which are in a double page format.
The last seven pages of this book are for the parent or teacher. We are given a rather close-up look at just what a hurricane is, it seasons, what cyclones, tropical cyclones and typhoons are. The designated strength number given to storms at different stages is discussed at length and there is a very nice summation of actions that need to be taken by us humans when a storm approaches. The author then goes on to discuss in more detail each of the critters covered in the book and gives a short discussion on animal behavior during storms.
This entire work is quite well researched by both author and artist. It is of course an ideal book to add to your child's library and it is also ideal for use in the public or private classroom and most certainly would be useful for home schoolers.
There is a tremendous amount of information packed into this small book and it has been professionally presented. This is certainly one you will want to put on your list.
Don Blankenship
The Ozarks
Ready, Set . . . WAIT: What Animals Do Before a Hurricane Overview

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