Kingfisher Knowledge: Endangered Planet Review

Kingfisher Knowledge: Endangered Planet
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Kingfisher Knowledge: Endangered Planet ReviewThis is a very informative book on the environment. The first chapter teaches us about life on earth and the things that we need to live. The next chapter tells us about threats to the earth such as population growth, the greenhouse effect and air pollution. The third and final chapter is all about things that we can do to help protect the earth such as conserving resource, recycling, and wildlife protection.What did you like or not like about the book?
I liked the fact that at the end of each chapter has a section called Go Further. This section features vocabulary words, websites, and booklists that kids can look for to learn more.
Would you recommend this book? Why or Why not?
This is a great book for kids ages 8-11 interested in ecology. They will enjoy the mix of pictures and useful information. The book would even make a great resource for report writing
Kingfisher Knowledge: Endangered Planet Overview

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